In the Weißsee Gletscherwelt there are countless deep snow slopes with endless possibilities for variations. Skiers and snowboarders are fascinated by the entire back country area of the Weißsee Gletscherwelt. Untouched slopes are considered an insider tip for a pure nature experience.

"The air up here is pure freedom that blows around your nose!"

"Die Luft hier oben ist pure Freiheit, die einem um die Nase weht!"

Eine der faszinierendsten Aspekte des Freeridens ist die Möglichkeit, fernab von Menschenmassen und Liftanlagen in die stille Weite der Berge einzutauchen.

Dies erfordert oft einen gewissen Grad an Selbstdisziplin und Erfahrung, da man auf sich allein gestellt ist und die Gefahren der alpinen Umgebung berücksichtigen muss.


Erlernen Sie die Faszination des Freeridens mit Fahrtechnik- und Sicherheitstipps von Profis!

freerider  | © K.Polzer
Jeden Freitag durch die Skischule Lederer
Voraussetzung Sicheres Fahren auf der Piste!
Treffpunkt 09.30 Uhr Berghotel Rudolfshütte
Dauer ca. 4-5 Stunden
Kosten € 97,00 pro Person (exkl. Seilbahn)
Anmeldung Ski- & Snowboardschule Lederer, Tel. +43 664 419 09 10, Mail:

Der Freeride-Tag ist auch mit weniger oder mehr Personen möglich!
Preisauskunft direkt bei der Skischule Lederer.

skirennen | © M.Knoll
Olympic slope

Route description:

From the top station of the Medelz cable car, head southwest over a flat ridge to a hill (2,600 m). From here the descent leads over easy terrain to the Kalser Törl. At the foot of the steeply sloping walls of the Tauernkogel, you return over flat terrain (approx. 15 min alternately pushing and riding). The Weißsee lake is always in view.

There are also many different variations here: from easy descents to runs for experts. For hardy skiers, the tour around the Tauernkogel to the Weißseekess Olympic slope is recommended. The way back is along the Weißsee to the lifts. Skins or snowshoes are an advantage on this tour.

Height difference: Downhill 350 metres

Difficulty:  °°

freerider  | © K.Steiner

Route description:

From the top station of the Zehnerhanges, leave the marked area in an easterly direction. From there, with a view in the direction of the Tauernmoos lake, you walk for approx. 10 min. over a level (no skins necessary) to the entrance to the first saddle. The descent in the direction of Schafbichl-Scharte offers many possibilities and variations: The actual slope is ideal for pleasure freeriding, those looking for extreme runs should swerve to the left or right. At the Schafbichl-Lacke, the route continues westwards, where the tour then flattens out towards the piste. Cross the piste and continue the remaining metres on easy slopes to the Grünsee middle station.

The Saurüssl tour offers different variants for every level of ability.

Altitude difference: downhill 600 metres

Difficulty: °°°

skier with mountains | © K.Steiner
Never Come Back

Route description:

The tour consists of a gully that is up to 45 degrees steep. The route is only suitable for experts and only in absolutely safe snow conditions! The starting point of the tour is the Rudolfshütte mountain station. You first ski the slope to the Weißsee dam wall and then walk over the wall to the other side of the lake. From there you climb over rocky terrain to the first crest - walking time approx. 30 minutes. The entrance is to the north of the crest. The entrance of the gully is steep up to 45 degrees and technically very demanding. It then turns to the right and becomes flatter at 30 - 35 degrees until it opens into a run-out. At the bottom of the gully you can continue parallel to the slope.

Height difference: ascent 150 metres, descent 400 - 650 metres.

Difficulty: °°°°